ࡱ> ;>:y bjbj M.{{\\\\\pppp$p. "b\\\ \\V\@D  l0T#v##\pv# ": GRADUATE COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting of February 16, 2012 3:30 p.m., The Loft of the Guillot University Center The Graduate Council met at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 16, 2012, in the Loft of the Guillot University Center. Dr. Victoria Hulsey, Chairperson, presided. The following members were present: Dr. Lynn Aquadro, Dr. Birdie I. Bailey, Ms. Haley Brink, Dr. Wendy Darby, Dr. Melvin Davis, Mr. Trent Dean, Dr. Kerry P. Gatlin, Dr. Daniel E. Hallock, Dr. Vagn K. Hansen, Dr. Donna Jacobs, Dr. Lisa Keys-Mathews, Dr. Brett King, Ms. Stephanie Luman, Dr. Lee Renfroe, Dr. John Thornell, Mr. William Walker for Mr. Zeb Wallace, and Dr. Yaschica Williams. Guests included Tom Coates, Toysan Reed, Lisa Burton, and Russ Darracott. Approval of the minutes of the meetings of January 30 and February 9, 2012 Upon motion by Dr. Renfroe and a second by Dr. Keys-Mathews, the minutes were unanimously approved. Consideration of the Graduate Faculty Application for Dr. John Wakefield Dr. Aquadro moved approval and Dr. Williams seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Accounting and Business Law for deletion of AC 625 and revisions to the Accounting Concentration Curriculum; Consideration of the request from the College of Business for deletion of EMB courses and revisions to MBA Option 2: Executive Concentrations to remove use of the EMB courses; Consideration of the request from the Department of Management and Marketing for course description revisions: MG 624, AC 698, CIS 698, EC 698, FI 698, MG 698, MK 698, QM 698 Dr. King moved approval and Dr. Aquadro seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the College of Nursing and Allied Health for editorial changes to the Nursing in Teaching-Learning Environments and Nursing Leadership in Organizational Environments degree programs Dr. King moved approval and Dr. Williams seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the College of Education to change name of College of Education to College of Education and Human Sciences Dr. Keys-Mathews moved approval and Dr. Renfroe seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. This action will require Board of Trustees and ACHE approval. Consideration of the request from the Department of Secondary Education to change the wording to better describe the requirements for international applicants to programs in the College of Education; Consideration of the request from Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation to revise admission requirements to the Master of Science in Health and Human Performance program to be consistent with university admission requirements Ms. Brink moved approval and Dr. Williams seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Secondary Education to more accurately describe the requirements for applicants to the Ed.S. program in the area of Instructional Leadership; Consideration of the request from the Department of Secondary Education to reflect State Department of Education approved changes in the Instructional Leadership core courses. The candidates advisor may approve courses for the 12 hours of core courses Dr. Aquadro moved approval and Dr. Renfroe seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Secondary Education to change course description and title for ED 603 from Psychology of Learning to Trends, Issues, and Diversity in Learning Dr. Renfroe moved approval and Ms. Brink seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Secondary Education to change the title of Master of Arts in Education Degree (ESOL - One Plus One Plan), also identified as the One Plus One Applied Block Comprehensive (ABC) Program to Master of Arts in Education Degree (International ESOL Plan). The name change would better reflect the goals of the program, reduce confusion, and make the program more marketable. In addition to this change, also adjust the credit hours in the International ESOL Plan from 36 hours to a range of 30-36 hours Dr. Renfroe moved approval and Dr. Keys-Mathews seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Secondary Education to change the minimum number of hours in the Post Baccalaureate Certificate to 12 provided the required content (ED 515, EN 542, EN 541) was met at the undergraduate level Dr. Williams moved approval and Dr. Keys-Mathews seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Dr. Hansen had to leave the meeting at this point. Consideration of the request from Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation to change wording in catalog to include the Master of Science in Health and Human Performance Dr. Aquadro moved approval and Dr. Darby seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Dr. Hallock arrived at the meeting at this point. Consideration of the request from the Department of Elementary Education to change the GPA for admission into all COE Educational Specialist Degree Programs (Elementary Education, Instructional Leadership, Teacher Leader) from 3.25 to 3.00 Dr. King moved approval and Dr. Williams seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Reminder to College Deans Dr. Thornell made an observation that several changes were submitted at this meeting and it was noted on the UCC forms that no changes were required to the FCC form when, indeed, they do require changes to the forms. The deans were reminded to be diligent in submitting revised FCC forms when curricular changes/additions/deletions dictate such revisions. Upon motion by Dr. King and second by Dr. Aquadro, the meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m. ____________________________________ Victoria Hulsey, Chairperson +46;<?BIU`r; ? 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